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Shakespear Regional Park

We got kicked off the bus a little earlier than expected so we ate lunch at a little bakery in Manly while we waited for the next bus. I tried lamington which is basically a sponge cake coated with a frozing/glaze and coconut flakes for dessert.

Finally we got to the park and stopped at the beach first. We explored some of the tide pools and took some dorky pictures with the camera timer.

We met a woman on the beach who took a real picture of us. I made friends with her dog:)

From left to right: Anastasia (California), Kamry (California), Me, Korel (California), and Maurice (Frankfurt, Germany)

In almost every park in NZ, there are stations to spray off your shoes. It is supposed to help to prevent Kauri dieback which spreads through infected soils, which can be carried on hiking boots.

Next we hiked through the forest. It was super swampy and it felt like we were in a tropical jungle. It was neat to stop for a few seconds and listen to the water and unfamiliar birds.

We found a baby waterfall in the woods as well.

Finally we emerged from the forest into grasslands filled with sheep and pokeko birds. It was really strange to transition from the dense forest to the open pastures.

It got pretty windy at the top of the lookout, but the 360 view of the ocean and islands was AMAZING!

Hold on to your hats!

These signs are pretty common to see in NZ

After finishing our hike, we took the bus to Takapuna beach and had a late lunch and gelato. A perfect ending to a beautiful day!

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